Day 5 in Black History: The Diva who Claims to be Humble
They say behind every great man is a great woman. Behind the five guys of CNT there is one; the Diva who is humble. She has supported us since day 1 and CNT needed a female voice voice and perspective. So on today February 5, we would like to wish our own Humble Diva aka Mrs. Barz a Happy and Blessed birthday.
Humble Diva❤ (Kourtney Barmore) is the newest member of CNT
Nation. She is married to Barz (Chris Barmore). They have three beautiful
children, two girls and one boy. Humble Diva❤ gave her life to
Christ at an early age. She grew up in a Christian family with a musical
background. She loves the Lord and strives daily to please Him! She has a heart
for women and wants to live her life as an example of God's grace through faith
in Christ Jesus. She wants the CNT platform to give women hope that you can
have it all, Faith in Christ Jesus, A Loving Husband and Family, and an
Effective Ministry. Humble Diva❤ knows that you first must, "Seek the Kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."
Thanks Tech! 😘