Monday, February 6, 2017

Day 6 in Black History: First Black Comic Book Characters...

Spider-man, Spider-man does what ever a spider can... Ok, anyone who knows me, knows that my favorite comic book character is Spider-man.  I think Peter Parker is ever Nerd/Geek's dream.  A skinny nerd who is bullied, life changes by one bite from a spider.  He gains great power which comes with... great responsibility.

Now you may be asking, what does this have to do with black history.  Well, we all know that most main stream heroes are white.  The first was the Phantom in 1936 followed by Superman in 1938.  So as with all media, most main characters and heroes were white, but who was the first Black Super hero or the first black character in a comic?

enter image description hereThe first black comic-book main character was Lion Man who debut in 1945 in the one-shot Negro Comics #1.  You may think, he had some resemblance or powers of a lion, but no, he was more like Batman; he was a man that was at the peak of human strength, speed, agility, and athleticism; who was American born.  He was also a genius when it came to physics, biology, and engineering.

He was Sent by the Untied Nations to watch over the Magic Mountain of the African Gold Cost which housed the world's largest deposit of Uranium.  So, Lion Man was to protect it and report back of anyone trying to get it.  His name came from being a member of the Zulu tribe; Lion Man aka the Lion.

enter image description hereYou may know the first regular black character in a super hero comic; Gabriel "Gabe" Jones.  Debuted by Marvel in 1963 as a member of the Howling Commandos who fought in the fictional World War 2. He was also the first African American member of the group.  In the comics he followed Nick Fury who was the leader and like Nick he ages slow and later joins Shield in modern times.

Image result for gabe jones mcu
Now in the Marvel Cinematic Universe the Howling Commandos were lead by Captain America and as far as we know he served the Howling Commandos and then went on to have a family as we see in the show Agents of Shield, it is assumed that Agent Antoine "Trip" Triplett is the grandson of Gabe.  He even uses some of his old gadgets to help the team.  It was good to see Gabe's legacy live on in the Cinematic Universe, but it was not to be as Trip was hit with the Terrigen Mist.  Ah, the Mist which creates In-Humans (humans experimented on by the aliens known as the Cree that if the human has the genetic marker will gain abilities).  I was like ok, Trip bout to get him some powers... but no, he just a regular human so while Sky became Daisy aka Quake, Trip became dead aka not on the show anymore, legacy gone...

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Now the first black character with super powers was known as Lothar.  He was Mandrake the Magicians sidekick in the first Mandrake story in 1934.  He was described as the Strongest Man in the World... Hmmmmmmmm.....

Black Panther (Marvel Comics).jpgIn 1966, one of the baddest of the bad debuted with his own title.  A man, no a king of an African nation known as Wakanda.  A skilled hunter, tracker, strategist, politician, inventor, and scientist.  Trained gymnast, acrobat, and a master of various African, contemporary martial arts.  A king with the connection to the Wakandian Panther god giving him superhuman senses, enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, durability, healing, and reflexes.  Who would later be crowned as King of the Dead, able to control them and have the knowledge of all past kings before him.  I am talking about none other than T'Challa, the Black Panther who was also the first black super hero in mainstream comics.

Black Panther would enter the Marvel Cinematic universe with a bang, showing that he was nothing to mess with by going toe to toe with the Avengers.  Played by, Tech's hometown of Anderson own Chadwick Boseman.  And in 2018 we will get his solo movie!  I for one can not wait for this movie; which I think will hold a place in black history!
Image result for black panther cast

This movie is going to be lit!  Yea I said it, can't wait, 2018.


To be continued tomorrow in Day 7 in Black History with other African American Super Heroes!

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Image result for african american superheroes
Check them out for more!

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