Thursday, February 9, 2017

Tech's Day 9 in Black History Black heroes in TV: Mr. Not so Terrific

How?  Somebody tell me how this dude right here, goes into battle with platted hair but as soon as the heroics are done the cornrows are gone!  The man you see here is Curtis Holt aka Mr. Terrific. Now hold on, this is not Michael Holt aka Mr. Terrific from DC Comics.  The man that has a tragic back story where he lost his mentally challenged older brother when he was 15 and later in life his wife and unborn child die in a car wreck an event that shaped him and made him an atheist.  This is not the 3rd smartest man in the DC universe who has a natural aptitude for having natural aptitudes... meaning he pics up on complicated skills and quickly retains them like performing complicated surgery after reading about it in a book.  The is not the man with 6 black belts in martial arts and the inventor of the T Spheres that he uses to fight crime. Spheres that can do holographic projection, shoot lasers, record, control electronic devices, make him fly.  This is not the man with 14 PH. D's and able to speak many different languages.  No this is Curtis Holt who joins the CW's Arrow in season 4.

"Curtis" is introduced as an employee of Palmer Tech (Ray Palmer aka the Atoms company) working alongside Felicity in the design innovations department and he later learns the Green Arrows identity as maintenance and.... wait for it, Tech Support.  So, yea here "Curtis" is a biochemist, Computer and Engineer expert, and like Michael Holt he is a bronze medalist in the decathlon.  "Curtis" is smart and he even creates the T Sphere, but that is far from...terrific.  In the Arrowverse, there is no wife or child to bring great tragedy to the character, because Curtis Holt his happily married to his husband.  So, what inspires him to be Mr.... Terrific, well he basically get his butt handed to him in a fight while looking for future Arrow team member Wild Dog.  He states he never wants to feel vulnerable again.  So, he then makes a costume.  T on the face, check.  Fairplay jacket, check and that's it.  He is not the skilled fighter that can add to the team nor does he even use the T sphere he created in the previous season to fight.  Nope, he is inspired by a wrestler with the name Mr. Terrific who wore fairplay on his suit because he was noble. (Now Michael Holy was also inspired by Terry Sloan who was actually a super hero).  As I said in the beginning, his only skill seems to be platting his hair in seconds when called to suit up. A failed opportunity to have this done by the T Spheres, but the actor joked that the Flash comes and does this for him... No, Echo Kllum, no.

Image result for mr. terrificNow, i know when characters come from the comics to T.V there are differences.  Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.  Look at the Green Arrow.  The series started off good, but this was not the Oliver from the comics, no this was Batman in a hood wielding a bow and arrow. Now, the current season seems to have gone back to its roots... Anyway the reason I want Michael Holt and not Curtis is because Michael is an elite and respected hero in the DC universe.  A highly intelligent successful African American who could kill it in the class room and on the streets.  Who could even rival Batman himself!  Batman would could poor Curtis...  Oh, ok, you might be saying he just joined the team, they may get him there... well in the latest episodes he again gets beat up and doubts himself, you would think this would lead to training harder and using his tech skills, his T Spheres to come back strong to become terrific!  Nope, Wild Dog tells him, hey you used your tech to save the day maybe you should use your brain to fight, i was like yes bring on the T Spheres!  No, no, seems now Curtis sits in the van, no cornrows, with Felicity acting is Oracle Jr.

Image result for mr. terrific
Too bad, because the DC TV universe is killing it with the Flash, Arrow, Super Girl, and Legends of Tomorrow.  Other black characters in the DC T.V universe are better represented, like Vixen, current Firestorm, Kid Flash, and Jimmy Olsen.... wait not Jimmy that's another story or blog.  There is good news on the horizon as we will get our first African American lead in the DC TV universe, Black Lightning.  Maybe he can come on Arrow and make Mr Terrific, terrific again...

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